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Standing water in battery compartment

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2013 B52 23wb.  I have standing water in the battery compartment hull under the plastic battery bins.  Never noticed it before and I think the water has been there for a few weeks after taking some water over the bow.  Any suggestions on how to auto-drain this area?

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My 23 didn't really have drain holes.  I'd suggest drilling a few.  Being careful that you only go through the battery box and not the bottom of the hull, of course.

Interesting.  my '14 tomcat apparently doesn't either.  discovered an inch or two in the battery well a few weeks ago.  was concerned b/c I have no battery boxes (box molded into floor in walkway).  should I be?

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Thanks for the replies.  The battery boxes are dry, it is the carpeted area below the 2 battery boxes that had standing water.  It was definitely lake water which I assumed came over the bow and flowed down under the front seats towards the transom.  When it hit the low spot (battery box area) under the observer seat it pooled.  I could drill a small drain hole through the carpeted area, but don't want to puncture the port ballast tank.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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My battery compartments are full of water as well in my 15 tomcat. Mine are located under the observers seat. Battery boxes are dry but the recessed boxes are full. Seems like adding drain holes would b ideal. It dosnt look right when the batteries are sorounded by water. I don't want to drill a hole in my ballast tank tho. Will someone do it first and let me know? Lol

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Correct me if I am wrong but on a 2013 isnt the ballast tanks short of the battery recesses? I realize the newer models now have ballast tanks that extend further toward the bow but I thought that didn't start until 2014 or 15?


I drilled holes in my 2012 F-23 battery boxes to drain the water but I know for a fact the ballast tanks are not under them

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Correct me if I am wrong but on a 2013 isnt the ballast tanks short of the battery recesses? I realize the newer models now have ballast tanks that extend further toward the bow but I thought that didn't start until 2014 or 15?

My battery box on my 13 is no where near ballast tanks


I drilled holes in my 2012 F-23 battery boxes to drain the water but I know for a fact the ballast tanks are not under them

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On 8/18/2024 at 2:38 PM, Mxgregg said:

2016 F21 tomcat the ballast tanks are under the battery box. Mine gets filled once in a while and it’s a pain to drain it. Pretty poor design.

I have a 2016 F22 Tomcat. New to me this year. I have standing water in the battery boxes like everyone else on here. I assume it’s the same as yours? Drilling would puncture the ballast? Water over the bow isn’t necessarily a daily occurrence but it’s also not exactly rare as we circle back to a downed surfer/boarder. You said it’s a pain, any tips on what you do?

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